The purpose of this work is to examine the relationship between economic development and the population's level of health. Consequently, we will establish a comparison between Mexico and other countries in various stages of development. The interrelationship between economic development and health is a complex problem which is little understood, even though it is acknowledged that at increased levels of economic development the levels of health of a population will also increase. These considerations can be taken into account when we accept the fact that the health conditions in industrialized countries are generally better than the health conditions in non-industrialized countries. In the case of Mexico, the problems relating to social disparities due to the type of economic development are reflected in the country's level of health. Poor health conditions and the deterioration of health services in Mexico, based on international references, are matters that must be resolved by means of a clear political decision accompanied by the appropriate corresponding resources so that the strategies put forth by the National Health Program (1989-1994) can be carried out.