The results of shockwave lithofragmentation are conditioned by stone composition. Similarly, the different types of lithofragmenting energy can have different effects on the calculi. The purpose of this experimental study is to establish a relationship between calculi composition and type of energy used for fragmentation, with the results of the lithotriptsy treatment. 60 calculi, 12 for each pure composition selected (calcium oxalate mono and dihydrate, phosphocarbonate, ammonium magnesium phosphate and uric acid) underwent in vitro lithofragmentation with 4 different lithofragmenting sources (electrohydraulic, piezoelectric, ultrasound and pulsed laser). It was carried out a study of fragmentation in particles under 3 mm and pulverization in particles under 0.5 mm, analyzing post-lithotriptsy fragments with scanning electron microscopy associated to X-ray dispersion energy. No relationship was shown between calculi composition and amount of energy supplied for the fragmentation. The lithiasic composition correlates to the fragmentation pattern, so that oxalocalcium calculi undergoes good fragmentation and poor pulverization, infective calculi have poor fragmentation but good pulverization and uric acid calculi show poor fragmentation and pulverization.