To provide technical support for industrialization promotion of tetraploid of Dioscorea zingiberensis, the manufacturing method for synthetic seeds of tetraploid of Dioscorea zingiberensis was established and the correlated influential factors were studied.By taking embryogenic calluses of tetraploid of Dioscorea zingiberensis as propagation materials, the influential factors such as components of artificial endosperm, seed coats,storage conditions and germination materials on germination and seedling of the synthetic seeds were evaluated.When 4% alginate +2% CaCl2 + 2% chitosan was served as seed coat materials, and 1/2 MS +0. 2 mg/L BA +0. 5 mg/L NAA + 0. 1 mg/L penicillin + 0. 3% carhendazim powder + 0. 2% sodium benzoate + 1. 0% sucrose + 0. 5% activated carbon + 1. 0% tapioca starch was served as endosperm, the synthetic seeds had high germination rate and seedling rate. After storing at 4 °C for 20 d, the germination rate and seedling rate of synthetic seeds was 76. 7% and 71. 7%, respectively.Manufacturing technology of synthetic seeds of tetraploid of Dioscorea zingiberensis with embryogenic calluses as propagation materials has production prospects.