A 70-year-old woman underwent treatment for cecal cancer(pT4bN1M0, Stage Ⅲb)in 2010. Four years and 2 months after the first surgery, she underwent ileum resection for stenosis due to perineal dissemination(P3). Two years after this recurrence, during which time she had completed 26 courses of FOLFIRI plus bevacizumab(Bmab), 9 courses of capecitabine plus oxaliplatin(CapeOX)plus Bmab, and 3 courses of Cape, no peritoneal dissemination was detected by computed tomography( CT). Thereafter, an additional 19 courses of Cape plus Bmab were introduced, but CEA continued to increase. Right ovarian metastasis was suspected based on CT and FDG-PET/CT examination. Four years and 1 month after the initial recurrence of perineal dissemination, the patient underwent bilateral ovarian resection, during which the lack of peritoneal dissemination was confirmed. Pathologically, right ovarian metastasis was diagnosed. The patient is still alive 4 years and 6 months after the first operation.