Obstruction of the pyeloureteral junction (PUJ) is by far the most common cause of hydronephrosis in children, with an incidence of one in 1000-2000 newborns. Also, the obstruction of the PUJ is the most common cause of prenatal hydronephrosis, accounting for 80% of the cases. The aim of this study is to observe and discuss first the efficacy of described surgery procedures and second the microscopic modifications of the PUJ (abnormalities of smooth muscle tissue, inflammation and fibrosis). One hundred and eleven children with a diverse urological pathology with an average age of 11.57 years were operated between 2011 and 2015 in Urology Clinic of Oradea, Romania. Of these, 20 children (11 boys and nine girls) with congenital hydronephrosis by junction syndrome required surgical correction. The surgical techniques used were Anderson-Hynes dismembered pyeloplasty, non-dismembered Scardino procedure and the Hellström procedure. Operator interventions were performed by subcostal lombotomy with or without partial XII rib resection. The average operator time was between 40 and 50 minutes. None of the patients required blood transfusions. Average hospitalization was seven days. All patients were monitored through the Ambulatory Pediatric and Urological Service. Anderson-Hynes operation is the main procedure to solve the obstructive syndromes of the PUJ. It can be performed without stentings of the ureter as originally described by the author, but also by protecting anastomosis with a urinary diversion, such as JJ catheter, ureteronephrostomy or ureteropyelostomy. Even though clinical and imaging studies are sufficient for diagnose of PUJ syndromes, morphology and histology bring essential data regarding the age of the lesions.