To compare the human resources allocation of CDC in different areas and different levels.By stratified cluster sampling we get 70 CDC's manpower data, which come from different areas(east, middle part, west)and different levels (province, city, county).(1) The average number of CDC's staff is 62. (2)CDC of province level are understaffed by 15%, while CDC of county level are overstaffed by 3%, and CDC of county level are overstaffed by 12%. (3) Structure of age: The average age of CDC's staff is 62, people under 35 years old in CDC is 39.4%, people above 55 years old is 3.5% (4) Structure of education: People with graduate degree are only 0.8%, and people come from technicalsecondary school are 57.0%. (5) Structure of specialty: A majority of people's majors are clinical medicine, and the percent of people having a non-medical-major are 36.6%. (6) Area distributing. Distribution of average quality score of staff are imbalance in different areas, the average quality score of staff in east area are 1.07 times than that in middle area, and 1.12 times than that in west area.