To study the influence of tomographic otospongiosis/otosclerosis on the audiometric gain after stapedectomy, we evaluated 34 patients (mean age 39.9 years, S.D. 9.8) with otosclerosis and mixed hearing loss. We performed Computed Tomography (CT) with densitometry before stapedectomy and audiometry before and 4 weeks after the surgery. CT results were classified as compatible or not for otospongiosis (1000 UH) or for otosclerosis (2000 UH). According to the affected turns of the cochlea, the studies were classified in 3 groups. In 43% of the patients the CT showed otospongiosis. After stapedectomy, air conduction thresholds of the low (125-500 Hz), middle (500-2000 Hz) and high frequency bands (2000-8000 Hz) and for the air/bone gap were similar for the ears with or without otospongiosis (p0.05, ANOVA). However, patients with otospongiosis in all the cochlea showed the lowest audiometric gain for the high frequency band (p0.05 ANOVA). Evidence of otospongiosis evaluated just by CT has a low impact on the audiometric outcome after stapedectomy.