It was shown that cancer cells acquired resistance to TRAIL-induced apoptosis in confluent cultures. Recombinant protein izTRAIL induced apoptosis of human carcinoma A431 cells in the first hours after cell plating at a concentration of 3-10 ng/ml, while in confluent cultures these cells acquire resistance to protein izTRAIL even at the concentration of 2 mkg/ml. Detachment and suspending of the cells of confluent cultures immediately suppressed the resistance to izTRAIL. The cells of confluent cultures, being resistant to TRAIL-induced apoptosis continue progression through the cell cycle, as evidenced by the DNA cytograms and the Ki67p-GFP reporter system. Thus, the results showed that tumor A431 cells can acquire resistance to TRAIL-induced apoptosis in confluent cultures, while continue progression through the cell cycle, keeping the proliferative potential.