The past decade has seen a rapid progression in our knowledge of the neurobiological basis of fear and anxiety. Specific neurochemical and neuropeptide systems have been demonstrated to play important roles in the behaviors associated with fear and anxiety-producing stimuli. Long-term dysregulation of these systems appears to contribute to the development of anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and social anxiety disorder. These neurochemical and neuropeptide systems have been shown to have effects on distinct cortical and subcortical brain areas that are relevant to the mediation of the symptoms associated with anxiety disorders. Moreover, advances in molecular genetics portend the identification of the genes that underlie the neurobiological disturbances that increase the vulnerability to anxiety disorders. This chapter reviews clinical research pertinent to the neurobiological basis of anxiety disorders. The implications of this synthesis for the discovery of anxiety disorder vulnerability genes and novel psychopharmacological approaches will also be discussed.