Mali obiteljski hoteli predstavljaju rastući trend na tržištu, te se ističu od konkurenata u pristupu gostu i poslovanju. Razlog tome stoji u svakodnevnom trudu koji ulažu kao obitelj. Rodbinska povezanost predstavlja sigurnost, ali i brojne prepreke koje se mogu odraziti na poslovanje. Osim toga tu je problem izvora financiranja i činjenica da banke preferiraju financiranje velikih poduzeća zbog manjeg rizika kod vraćanja kredita. Ipak danas se nude brojni program od strane ministarstava i specijaliziranih institucija. Na samom kraju obrađen je obiteljski hotel Villa Bacchus sa načinima njihova poslovanja i stavovima vlasnice o temi. Small and family hotels present fast growing trend on the market and they stand out from the competitors with their way of approach to guest and to business itself. Main reason stands in their everyday effort they invest as a family. That family bond can present safety but it can also infect the business with its obstacles. Beside all of that, there is major problem of financing sources and the fact that banks prefer financing large enterprises because of smaller risk with returning the credit. However today can be find many programs by government and specialized institutions. At the end there is family hotel Villa Bacchus with their ways of doing business and facts that owner carried out about the topic.