The Kimberley Indigenous Saltwater Science Project (KISSP) was a collaboration funded by the Western Australian Marine Science Institute (WAMSI) as part of their Kimberley Marine Research Program (KMRP). The KISSP was developed to improve the way natural and cultural resource management and research, involving Traditional Owners and the science community, is planned, assessed and undertaken on Kimberley Saltwater Country. Saltwater encompasses the traditional lands of saltwater peoples and includes the coastline, islands, and the seabed and marine environment (Lincoln et al, 2017). The KISSP was guided by a Working Group comprised of representatives from seven Kimberley saltwater groups (Balanggarra, Wunambal-Gaambera, Dambimangari, Bardi-Jawi, Nyul Nyul, Yawuru and Karajarri) and a project team, comprised of the University of Western Australia (UWA), Charles Darwin University (CDU), Kimberley Land Council (KLC) and Mosaic Environmental. The KISSP Working Group determined the project team based on their specific skills and capacity, including their experience working with Traditional Owners in the Kimberley Region. The project objectives were identified by the Working Group to ensure a focus on local priorities and aspirations. The objectives sought to address some of the challenges experienced by researchers, Traditional Owners and Indigenous ranger groups when conducting saltwater research and monitoring activities. Through collaborations with the Kimberley Prescribed Body Corporate, Traditional Owners and Indigenous ranger teams, the KISSP aimed to: 1. Integrate Indigenous ecological knowledge and management practices into Kimberley marine conservation and management, 2. Develop a standard research protocol for land and sea research in the Kimberley, 3. Develop a framework for marine monitoring in the Kimberley, including development of a training package for agreed research targets for rangers. This report forms part of the KISSP outputs (specifically related to Objective 3) Published Refereed Current 4 8 14 TRL 6 System/subsystem model or prototyping demonstration in a relevant end-to-end environment (ground or space) Handbook