Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je deskriptivno navesti povijesnu podlogu u kojoj reformatori hinduizma djeluju, obuhvat njihove djelatnosti i kvantificirati učinke njihova nastojanja. U ovom radu ću također pokušati prikazati kako su reformatori hinduizma nastojali svoju religiju odrediti prema utjecajima od strane kršćanstva i islama. Također, u diplomskom radu ću navesti neke od najpoznatijih reformatora hinduizma i njihove reforme. The aim of this graduate thesis is to describe the historical background in which reformers of Hinduism acted, review the coverage of their activities and to quantify the effects of their efforts. In this paper I will also try to show how reformers of Hinduism sought to determine their religion according to the influence of Christianity and Islam. I will also present some of the most famous reformers of Hinduism and their reforms.