Likovni jezik djece vrlo je dragocjen jer nam daje uvid u njihovu svijest. Dječji radovi puni su likovnih simbola koji nam govore u kojoj se fazi razvoja dijete nalazi. Sposobnost likovnog izražavanja i stvaranja urođena je svim ljudima, no ona se javlja samo ako ju se njeguje i potiče. Krivo shvaćanje te sposobnosti često dovodi do ometanja likovnog stvaralaštva. Zbog takvog ometanja likovnog stvaralaštva dolazi do pojave šablona koje djeca preuzimaju od odraslih, ali i jedni od drugih. Na kraju dolazi do pojave uniformnih i neinventivnih radova. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti pojavu šablona u dječjim likovnim radovima tijekom božićnog vremena. Skupine iz kojih su analizirani dječji radovi jesu mlađa i starija vrtićka skupina te se tako istražila i razlika u pojavi šablona između tih dviju skupina. Istraživanje je provedeno pregledavanjem dječjih likovnih radova nastalih tijekom božićnog vremena iz kojih su tada izdvojeni motivi koji najviše potiču pojavu šablone. Naglasak se stavio na pitanje potiču li odgojitelji tijekom blagdana djecu na korištenje šablona tijekom likovnih aktivnosti te na koji se način te šablone manifestiraju u dječjim likovnim radovima. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su koliko su šablone prisutne u dječjim likovnim radovima, posebno u mlađim vrtićkim skupinama što je vjerojatno rezultat pristupa odgojitelja provedbi likovnih aktivnosti. The visual language of children is very valuable because it gives us an insight into their consciousness. Children's artworks are full of artistic symbols that tell us the stage of development the child is in. The ability of artistic expression and creation is innate in all people, but it occurs only if it is nurtured and encouraged. Misunderstandings of this ability often lead to the disruption of artistic creation. Due to such interference with artistic creation, templates appear that children take over from adults, but also each other. In the end, uniformed and non-inventive works appear. The intention was to investigate the appearance of templates in children’s artwork during Christmas time. The groups from which children's works were analyzed are the younger and older kindergarten groups, so the difference in the appearance of patterns between the two groups was also investigated. The research was conducted by analyzing children's artworks created during the Christmas season, from which the motives that most encouraged the appearance of the template were singled out. Emphasis was on whether preschool teachers encourage children to use templates during art activities during the holidays and how these are manifested in children's artwork. The results of this research showed how templates are very present in children's artworks, especially in younger kindergarten groups, which is probably the result of educators' approach to the implementation of art activities.