Dela-Oddelek za geografijo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani
بيانات النشر:
Oddelek za geografijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, 2018.
سنة النشر:
The paper presents a study of air pollution caused by black carbon (BC) and fine particulate matter (PM) carried out in the rural area of the municipality of Loški Potok in the winter season of 2017/2018. Measurements of pollutants were performed at two different locations, one at Retje, a village at the bottom of a karst depression, and the other on the top of the Tabor hill in settlement Hrib. The measurement results exposed the main sources of black carbon air pollution in this area: domestic heating with biomass (almost 80% of all black carbon emissions) and unfavorable meteorological conditions for dilution of pollutants during temperature inversions. Three times higher concentrations were measured at Retje during temperature inversions than in the days of mixed atmosphere. In the winter of 2017/18, the average concentrations in the Retje hollow were even higher than those of Ljubljana, which calls attention to the problem of polluted air in rural areas too. Predstavljena je raziskava onesnaženosti zraka s črnim ogljikom in finimi delci na primeru podeželskega območja v občini Loški Potok v letu 2017/18. Meritve onesnažil so potekale na dveh različnih lokacijah, v vasi Retje na dnu kraške kotanje in na vrhu hriba Tabor v naselju Hrib. Rezultati meritev kažejo, da na onesnaženost zraka s črnim ogljikom vplivajo predvsem ogrevanje gospodinjstev na biomaso (skoraj 80 % vseh izpustov črnega ogljika) in neugodne meteorološke razmere za redčenje onesnažil v času temperaturnih inverzij, ko smo v Retjah izmerili več kot trikrat višje koncentracije kot v dneh s premešanim ozračjem. V zimi 2017/18 so bile povprečne koncentracije v Retijski kotanji celo višje kot v Ljubljani, kar opozarja na problem onesnaženega zraka tudi na podeželju.