الوصف: |
Multikomponentna sinteza predstavlja pomemben del kombinatorne kemije, saj omogoča visoko stopnjo strukturne diverzitete željenih produktov. Ker potekajo reakcije večinoma v enem koraku, so sintezni postopki enostavno izvedljivi in hitri. S tem je mogoča tvorba velikega števila sinteznih knjižic že iz majhnega števila reaktantov, kar je zelo uporabno za iskanje novih zdravil v farmacevtski industriji. Indazoli so heterociklične spojine, ki se redko najdejo v naravi, večinoma le kot sestavni del ogrodja alkaloidov. Molekulo indazola lahko funkcionaliziramo z visoko stopnjo selektivnosti na različnih položajih v molekuli in s tem omogočimo tvorbo novih spojin z biološkimi in terapevtskimi lastnostmi. Zaradi svojega protirakavega, protivnetnega, protivirusnega delovanja ter inhibicije encimov in receptorjev, ki povzročajo bolezni, so indazolski derivati pomembna komponenta zdravil. Eksperimentalni del diplomskega dela obsega multikomponentno sintezo indazolskih derivatov iz različnih monosubstituiranih benzenovih spojin. Nastale produkte sem okarakterizirala z 1H NMR, 13C NMR, IR in HRMS spektroskopijo. Iz na novo sintetiziranih spojin sem nato pripravila bakrove koordinacijske spojine ter jih ustrezno okarakterizirala 1H NMR, IR in HRMS analizo. Multicomponent synthesis represents an important part of combinatorial chemistry, as it enables a high degree of structural diversity of the desired products. Since the reactions mostly take place in one step, the synthetic procedures are fast and easy to carry out. This enables creation of many synthesis libraries from a small number of reactants, which is very useful for discovering new drugs in the pharmaceutical industry. Indazoles are heterocyclic compounds rarely found in nature, mostly only as a component of the alkaloids. The indazole molecule can be functionalized with a high degree of selectivity at different positions in the molecule, thereby enabling the formation of new compounds with biological and therapeutic properties. Indazole derivatives are an important component of medicines due to their anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antiviral activity and inhibition of disease-causing enzymes and receptors. The experimental part of the thesis comprises multicomponent synthesis of indazole derivatives from various monosubstituted benzene compounds. The resulting products were characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, IR and HRMS spectroscopy. I also synthesized copper coordination compounds from the newly formed compounds and performed 1H NMR, IR and HRMS analysis for the products. |