الوصف: |
Gojenje plodovk s cepljenimi sadikami je primerno predvsem tam, kjer talne okužbe zmanjšujejo pridelek gojenih rastlin ali so rastline podvržene drugim vrstam stresa (neprimerna temperatura, suša, zasoljena tla). Cepljenke imajo v večini primerov večji pridelek, zaradi močnejšega in bolje razvitega koreninskega sistema. Pri cepljenju nikoli ne vemo ali bosta podlaga in cepič skladna in ali bo temu primerno večji oz. kakovostnejši pridelek. V raziskavi smo primerjali rast in razvoj ter pridelek cepljenih in necepljenih rastlin paprike. V poskus, ki smo ga zasnovali v letu 2014, smo vključili 4 hibridne sorte paprik tipa babura ('Ramona F1', 'Bobita F1', 'Red knight F1' in 'AL65059 F1' in podlago 'Scarface'. Cepljenje je bilo izvedeno 49 dni po sajenju n uspešno cepljene rastline smo presadili v rastlinjak na laboratorijsko polje Biotehniške fakultete. Poskus smo zasnovali v treh ponovitvah, v posamezni ponovitvi so bile posajene 4 rastline. Rastline smo v času rasti oskrbovali z vodo in hranili, v juliju pa začeli s pobiranjem in meritvami plodov. Stehtali in prešteli smo plodove na rastlino in povprečnemu plodu izmerili maso, debelino perikarpa in vsebnost sladkorjev. Na koncu poskusa v novembru smo izmerili končno velikost rastline in maso rastlin s koreninami vred. Pridelek plodov na rastlino je bil večji pri cepljenih rastlinah paprike (od 24 t/ha do 33 t/ha), glede na necepljene rastline (22 t/ha-26 t/ha),kot tudi povprečno število plodov na rastlino, le pri sorti 'Red knight F1' smo dobili obraten rezultat (24 t/ha pri cepljenih in 26 t/ha pri necepljenih rastlinah). Najdaljše plodove je imela sorta 'Ramona F1' (pri cepljenih rastlinah 8,9 cm in necepljenih rastlinah 8,5 cm), najkrajše pa sorta 'AL65059 F1' (cepljene rastline 7,1cm in necepljene rastline 6,7cm). Najširše plodove smo zabeležili pri sorti 'Red knight F1' (7,2 cm pri cepljenih in necepljenih rastlinah), kot tudi največ skupnih topnih snovi so vsebovali plodovi te sorte pri necepljenih rastlinah (7,6 ˚Brix), najmanj pa plodovi sorte 'Bobita F1' pri obeh tehnikah (cepljene rastline 4,2 ˚Brix in pri necepljenih 4,4 ˚Brix). Poskus smo zaključili 27.10.2014. The cultivation with grafted seedlings is appropriate especially there where soil contamination reduces the yield of cultivated plants, or the plants are exposed to other types of stress (inadequate temperature, drought, salinity). Grafts in most cases have a higher yield because of a stronger and better-developed root system. In the case of grafting we never know whether the base and the graft will be consistent and whether it will be higher or better plants and yield. In this study, we compared growth and development and the yield of grafted and ungrafted peeper plants. In the experiment we designed in 2014, we included 4 hybrid varieties of pepper type ('Ramona F1', 'Bobita F1', 'Red knight F1' and 'AL65059 F1' and base 'Scarface'. We grafted plants 49 days after planting and successfully grafted plants, we were transplanted in a greenhouse on the laboratory field of the Biotechnical Faculty. The experiment was designed in three repetitions, 4 plants were planted in each plot, the plants were supplied with water and fertigated during the growth period, in July we started with collection and countion the fruits on the plant, and we measured the weight, the pericarp thickness and the content of total soluble solids in the average fruit. At the end of the experiment in November, we measured the final size of the plant and the mass of the plants with roots. The yield was bigger at grafted pepper plants and ranged between24 and 33 t/ha, according to the ungrafted plants (22-26 t/ha), as well as the average number of fruits per plant, only in the 'Red Knight F1' was the opposite results, lower yield had grafted plants (24 t/ha) compared to ungrafted plants (26 t/ha). The longest fruits have plants of 'Ramona F1' variety (for grafted plants of 8.9 cm and ungrafted plants 8.5 cm), and the shortest varieties of 'AL65059 F1' (grafted plants 7.1cm and ungrafted plants 6.7 cm). The widest fruits were recorded in the varieties 'Red knight F1' (7.2 cm for grafted and ungrafted plants), as well as the highest total soluble solids had content had fruits of this variety in ungrafted plants (7.6 ˚Brix), and the lowest plants of cultivar ‘Bobita F1' from grafted (4,2 ˚Brix) and ungrafted plants (4,4 ˚Brix ). We concluded the experiment on 27.10.2014. |