الوصف: |
Kontinuiran razvoj spleta in porast uporabe le-tega sta marsikatero podjetje obvezala k razvoju lastne spletne aplikacije ali delnega prenosa posla na splet, v želji, da podjetje ostane relevantno in v koraku s časom. Zaradi neomejenega dostopa do interneta kadarkoli v dnevu se vse več ljudi odloča za spletno nakupovanje v udobju svojega doma, brez čakalnih vrst in z enostavnim pregledom izdelkov in nakupov. V zadnjem desetletju se je tako marsikatero podjetje odločilo zgolj za spletno poslovanje in nastale so mnoge spletne trgovine, ki ponujajo nakup skoraj vsega, kar si lahko zamislimo: tehnoloških pripomočkov, vstopnic in kuponov ter seveda obutve in oblačil. Slednje obravnava diplomsko delo, ki se osredotoči na celoten razvoj spletne trgovine z oblačili za ženske od ideje do nakupa domene, dela v odprtokodnem sistemu CMS Magento in oblikovanja celostnega videza spletne trgovine. Vsak posamezen korak pri razvoju spletne trgovine je izjemno pomemben za kasnejše pozitivne rezultate in uspeh na spletnem trgu. Študija primera se tudi poglobi v potrošnika in njegovo izkušnjo pri nakupovanju, saj je le-ta izjemno pomembna pri načrtovanju in izdelavi uspešne spletne trgovine ter zagotavlja korak pred konkurenco. The continuous development of the web and the increase in the use of the Internet have plagued many companies to develop their own web application or partially transfer the business to the web, in the desire to keep the company relevant and in step with time. Due to unlimited access to the Internet at any time of the day, more and more people are choosing to shop in the comfort of their home, without waiting queues, and easily reviewing products and purchasing. In the last decade, many companies have decided to open only e-commerce websites, and so many online shops have been created, that offer the purchase of almost everything that can be imagined: technological tools, tickets and coupons, and of course footwear and clothing. The latter is dealt with in thesis, which focuses on the entire development of the online clothing store for women from the idea to the purchase of a domain, working in the Magento open source CMS system and the design of the overall look of the online shop. Every single step in the development of an online shop is extremely important for later positive results and success on the online market. The case study also deepens into the consumer and his shopping experience, as this is extremely important in planning and creating a successful e-commerce website and provides a step ahead of the competition. |