The 21st century is a century of creative work; a creative economy is being created by a creative society. ‘Creative industries’ is a very broad concept connecting business, communication, technologies, culture and art. This is a new concept and a new term, arising from the widened understanding of creative work which covers not only artistic and scientific activities but also any other activity requiring creative solutions. Representatives of creative industries are seeking economic profit on the basis of creativity. The diversity of the field predetermines the lack of uniformity in its terminology. Terms of creative industries vary. Some terms are also used in other fields and are standardized, included in dictionaries and terminological databases and are rooted in usage. For some concepts appropriate forms of naming haven’t yet been found; frequently quotations (borrowings which aren’t adapted either orthographically or morphologically) and morphologically adapted borrowed words are used instead of terms in unedited texts and internet dictionaries; quite frequently the English equivalent is given in the text next to a Lithuanian term. All this is characteristic to the initial stage of terminology development.