الوصف: |
Dolgoletno onesnaževanje okolja je danes globalni problem. Zaradi človeških dejavnosti kot so industrija, rudarjenje, kmetijstvo, promet ter širjenje urbanih območij so tla močno obremenjena s težkimi kovinami. Namen naše naloge je povezan z reševanjem težav onesnaženosti Celjske kotline s težkimi kovinami. Ugotoviti smo želeli ali je možna fitoremediacija teh območij z rastlinsko vrsto prstastega trstikovca oziroma miskantusa (Miscanthus x giganteus). Leta 2015 smo s to vrsto zasadili tri načrtno izbrana onesnažena območja na vzhodnem delu Celjske kotline. Pred poskusom in po treh mesecih smo analizirali talne vzorce ter jih primerjali med seboj. Analiza talnih vzorcev je pokazala, da so tla v tem delu Celjske kotline močno obremenjena predvsem s cinkom, kadmijem in svincem. V dvotedenskem intervalnem obdobju smo spremljali različne rastne parametre sadik. Rastline so rasle na vseh treh rastiščih ne glede na tip onesnaženosti tal. Čeprav so veliko bolje uspevale v s težkimi kovinami manj onesnaženih tleh, je bila rast rastlin v močno obremenjenih tleh še vedno zelo dobra. Na najbolj onesnaženih tleh se je delež težkih kovin v tleh praviloma zmanjšal. Ugotovili smo, da ima miskantus na tem z onesnaženjem obremenjenem območju velik fitoremediacijski potencial. Today, year-long environmental pollution is a global problem. Human activity such as industry, mining, agriculture, traffic, and expansion of urban areas has resulted in heavy pollution of the soil with heavy metals. The purpose of our thesis is to resolve the problems related to the heavy metal pollution of the Celje Basin. We were looking to examine the possibilities of phytoremediation of these areas with the plant species Miscanthus x giganteus. In 2015, we planted this species in three deliberately selected polluted areas in the eastern part of the Celje Basin. We analysed the soil samples before the experiment and after three months, and compared the results. The analysis of the soil samples showed that the soil in this part of the Celje Basin is heavily polluted especially with zinc, cadmium, and lead. We monitored the various growth parameters of the seedlings across two-week intervals. The plants grew in all three planting sites, regardless of the type of soil pollution. Although they prospered better in soil with a lowed degree of heavy metal pollution, plant growth in heavily polluted soil was still very solid. In the areas with the highest degree of soil pollution, the share of heavy metal uptake by the plants was the highest. We found that the Miscanthus has great phytoremediation potential in this polluted area. |