الوصف: |
Storitve v razvitejših držav predstavljajo največji delež bruto domačega proizvoda (BDP), njihov pomen pa se veča. Splet storitev, ki se mu nikakor ne moremo izogniti, vsaj v zgodnjem življenjskem obdobju ne, so izobraževalne storitve, saj vsakdo izmed nas obiskuje vsaj osnovno šolo. Šolanje postaja potrošna dobrina, enim manj, drugim bolj dosegljiva. Zaradi visoke konkurence, vrste reform v šolstvu ter vse manj sredstev, ki jih države namenjajo šolstvu, izobraževalne ustanove namenjajo vedno večjo pozornost marketinškim aktivnostim. Vplivanju na uporabnike s pomočjo stimulacij povezanih s čutili raziskovalci posvečajo le malo svojega časa. Predvsem vonju, ki neposredno prodre v možgane in povzroča takojšen odziv našega uma. Glavni namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti ali ima vonj (prijeten) vpliv na zaznavanje vrednosti izobraževalnih storitev. Magistrska naloga je sestavljena iz dveh delov, iz teoretičnega ter raziskovalnega dela. Teoretični del zajema dve poglavji. Prvo poglavje se nanaša na izobraževalne storitve, njihovo opredelitev, značilnosti, sestavine, vrsto in zaznano vrednost izobraževalnih storitev. Drugo poglavje se nanaša na senzorični marketing, njegovo opredelitev, SOR (Stimulus-Organism-Response) model, na vonj in voh, delovanje voha, na dejavnike, ki vplivajo na delovanje voha, povezavo med vonjem in čustvi, vidike vonjev v storitvenih organizacijah ter na ambientalni vonj. Raziskovalni del se prične s predstavitvijo Ekonomsko–poslovne fakultete. Naslednje podpoglavje je namenjeno opredelitvi raziskovalnega vprašanja, ključnih pojmov in spremenljivk ter načrtu raziskave. Za potrebe naloge smo izvedli eksperiment, njegov potek je podrobneje opisan v načrtu raziskave. Nadalje je opredeljena velikost in vrsta vzorca, ki smo ga preučevali, predzadnje podpoglavje raziskovalnega dela je namenjeno rezultatom raziskave in preverjanju hipotez. Podatke, ki smo jih pridobili s pomočjo anket smo analizirali s pomočjo programa SPSS. V zadnjem podpoglavju so prikazani rezultati naknadnih anket o vtisu vonja, ki smo jih pridobili s pomočjo kratke ankete. Vonj je subjektiven, in tako tudi odgovor, ki ga podajamo na glavno vprašanje magistrske naloge ni enoznačen. Raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli, sicer ni pokazala signifikantnega vpliva vonja sivke in pomaranče na dimenzije zaznane vrednosti izobraževalnih storitev, kar smo ugotovili s programom SPSS. Razlog se morda skriva v preintenzivni razpršenosti vonja v učilnicah ter neskladnosti vonja z organizacijo samo. Kljub temu pa menimo, da vonj ima določen vpliv. Zaključek raziskave naj bo tako v vzpodbudo raziskovalcem na področju senzoričnega marketinga in marketinga vonjav za nadaljnjo raziskovanje. Services in developed countries account for the largest share of gross domestic product (GDP), their importance is increasing. Services, which we can not avoid, at least in the early period of our life are education services, because each of us is attending at least elementary school. Learning is becoming an industrial commodity, for one less, for others more accessible. Due to the high competition, a series of reforms in education and fewer resources by countries devote to education, educational institutions devoted increased attention to marketing activities. Influencing the users through sensory stimulation, researchers could devote a little of their time. Above all, the smell of which directly penetrates into our brain and causes immediate response of our mind. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to determine whether the smell (pleasant) has the impact on the perception of the value of educational services. Master's thesis consists of two parts, the theoretical and research work. The theoretical part includes two chapters. The first section relates to educational services, their definition, characteristics, ingredients, type and perceived value of education services. The second section relates to sensory marketing, its definition, SOR (Stimulus-Organism-Response) model, the odor and the smell, the functioning of the sense of smell, the factors affecting the operation of the sense of smell, the link between smell and emotion aspects of odors in service organizations and the ambient odor. The research part begins with a presentation of the Economic and Business Faculty. The following section is designed to identify research questions, key concepts and variables and plan research. For the purposes of the tasks we performed an experiment, its evolution is described in detail in the research plan. Further we defined the size and the type of the sample that we studied, the penultimate section of the research is devoted to research results and verification of hypotheses. The data we have gained through the survey were analyzed using SPSS. In the last section we present the results of subsequent surveys odor impression which we have gained through a short survey. The smell is subjective, and therefore the answer we give to the main question of the master's thesis is not a monolith. The survey, which was conducted, did not show a significant impact of the smell of lavender and orange on the dimensions of the perceived value of education services, which we found in SPSS. The reason perhaps lies in the to intense dispersion of the smell in the classroom and the smell of non-compliance with the organization itself. Nevertheless, we believe that the smell has a certain influence. Completion of research should be both an encouragement to researchers in the field of sensory marketing, and marketing scents for further exploration. |