This article aims to analyze and evaluate the potential impact of inflows of foreign capital and membership in the institutional sector in the development of profitability and corporate debt from the construction industry. There are compared the development of enterprises with foreign owned and domestic companies from early 2007 until mid-2011. This interval was chosen because of efforts to maintain continuity and comparability of data (the data are analyzed according to the methodology of classification CZ- NACE) in order to capture the development of the financial situation of enterprises in selected sector before and during the crisis period. The selected industry has become construction industry, just for two reasons. First, clearly this is a sector with a higher degree of cyclical developments, and second it has an impact on a number of important macroeconomic indicators. Data for the industry are then compared with data representing the GDP in order to assess whether some foreign-owned sector responds to the development of stronger business cycle or, conversely, whether they are sensitive companies that have home owner.