The Tunisian Artemisia Essential Oil for Reducing Contamination of Stored Cereals by Tribolium castaneum

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The Tunisian Artemisia Essential Oil for Reducing Contamination of Stored Cereals by Tribolium castaneum
المؤلفون: Ikbal Chaieb, Amel Ben Hamouda, Wafa Tayeb, Khaoula Zarrad, Thameur Bouslema, Asma Laarif
المصدر: Food Technology and Biotechnology
Volume 56
Issue 2
بيانات النشر: Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, 2018.
سنة النشر: 2018
مصطلحات موضوعية: Artemisia sp, essential oil, chemical composition, insecticidal activity, repellency, esencijalno ulje, kemijski sastav, insekticidni učinak, repelentnost
الوصف: Esencijalna ulja triju vrsta roda Artemisia (A. absinthium L., A. campestris L. i A. herba-alba (Asso)) ispitana su spregnutom tehnikom plinske kromatografije i masene spektrometrije (GC-MS), te je utvrđen njihov mogući insekticidni i repelentni učinak na skladišnog štetnika žitarica Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Provedeni su in vitro pokusi ispitivanja fumigacijskog i repelentnog učinka. Kemijska karakterizacija esencijalnih ulja pokazala je da u pelinovom ulju prevladavaju biciklični monoterpeni. Ulje pravog pelina (A. absinthium) sadržavalo je najviše bicikličnih monoterpena, bicikloheptana, naftalena i cikloalkena, a ono vrste A. campestris najviše seskviterpena i acikličnih monoterpena. Bijeli pelin (A. herba-alba) imao je najviše p-mentan tipa monoterpena, tetrahidropirana, kumena, tetrahidrofurana, ketona, benzenoidnih spojeva i monocikličnih monoterpena. Ispitivanje fumigacijskog učinka pokazalo je da su tri zasebno primijenjena ulja prouzročila veliki mortalitet štetnika. Najmanju srednju smrtnu dozu (LC50=142,8 μL/L) imalo je ulje bijelog pelina. Ulje vrste A. absinthium imalo je jači i brži repelentni učinak od ostalih vrsta. Mješavina esencijalnih ulja triju vrsta pelina imala je antagonistički učinak u svim ispitanim kombinacijama. Ovaj rad naglašava važnost moguće primjene esencijalnih ulja pelina, naročito vrsta A. herba-alba (bijelog pelina) i A. absinthium, na suzbijanje štetnika na uskladištenim proizvodima.
Essential oils of three species of Artemisia genus (A. absinthium L., A. campestris L. and A. herba-alba (Asso)) were analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and their potential insecticidal and repellent activities against the stored grain insect Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) was investigated. Fumigant and repellent activity bioassays were investigated in vitro. Chemical characterisation of essential oils showed that the bicyclic monoterpenes were predominant in all Artemisia essential oils, A. absinthium essential oil having the highest content of bicyclic monoterpenes, bicycloheptanes, naphthalenes and cycloalkenes. A. campestris had the highest content of sesquiterpenoids and acyclic monoterpenoids. A. herba-alba was characterised by the highest amounts of menthane monoterpenoids, oxanes, cumenes, oxolanes, ketones, benzenoids and monocyclic monoterpenes. Fumigant bioassay demonstrated that the three types of oil applied separately caused significant insect mortality. The lowest median lethal dose, LC50=142.8 μL/L, was observed with A. herba-alba. In repellency test, essential oil of A. absinthium was more potent with more rapid action than all other species. The mixture of Artemisia sp. essential oils showed an antagonistic effect in all the tested combinations. This study highlighted an important potential of Artemisia sp. especially A. herba-alba and A. absinthium in the control of the pests of stored products.
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اللغة: English
تدمد: 1334-2606
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