九州保健福祉大学社会福祉学部東洋介護福祉学科, 九州保健福祉大学保健科学部作業療法学科, 産業医科大学医学部医科物理学科, 下津浦内科医院 / ORT生命科学研究所, 吉備国際大学社会福祉学部保健福祉学科, Department of oriental healthcare management, School of social welfare, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare, School of occupational therapy, School of health and sciences, School of Medicine, Industrial Medical University, himotuura Hospital / ORT Life Science Institute, Department of Health and Welfare, School of Social Welfare, KIBI International University
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 = Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare. 4:199-208
Despite the remarkable development of modern medical science, the medical treatment system in Japan does not always satisfy the patients because most of medical doctors lack the holistic view to patients. Thus, it is necessary to pursue a new medical treatment such as Life-based Medicine (LBM) in the advanced age and declining birth rates era. Acupuncture therapy has been developed from enormous trials and errors and performed clinically in China for several thousand years. It is considered to be very useful to improve and prevent life-style diseases as a new LBM treatment. In the present study, we developed a new meridian diagnosis instrument to determine the balance of the human body based on Chinese Traditional Medicine theory. We measured electric conductivity of 12 true meridians in 10 subjects by using our new instrument built-in a constant current (10μA) generation circuit (INA126) attached with three standardized electrodes. Our data show that the amplitude and the phase of sine waves of the electrically stimulated meridians changed in accordance with the stimulation time. We hypothesize that the electric conductivity of meridians could be partially due to volume transmission mechanism.