The objectiveof the study was to evaluate the long-term results of endoscopic papillosphincterotomy in cases of choledocholithiasis and papillary stenosis.Material and methods. We carried out retrospective analysis of the results of endoscopic papillosphincterotomy (EPST) due to the presence of choledocholithiasis (group 1, n=117) and papillary stenosis (group 2, n=55) along with the combination of the above (group 3, n=6) in a total of 178 patients. Clinical and endoscopic results of the intervention were studied in all patients in the long-term (from 1 to 30 years).Results. Based on the analysis of the complex examination, including endoscopic functional tests, treatment results were evaluated as good in 80 % of patients, satisfactory in 16 % of patients and unsatisfactory in 4 % of patients (after endoscopic correction of papillary stenosis).Conclusion.The cicatrisation process in the papillotomy opening exhibits the most intensively in patients with papillary stenosis combined with choledocholithiasis and without it, lasts until 4.5–5 years after surgery. Dynamic observation of patients after EPST is obligatory for early diagnosis of restenosis in the papillotomy opening.