Omaezallene derivatives (nor-bromoallene, nor-bromodiene, and bromoenynes) were successfully synthesized. Their antifouling activity and toxicity to the cypris larvae of the barnacle Amphibalanus amphitrite and ecotoxicity to the marine crustacean Tigriopus japonicus were studied. It was revealed that the two side chains of omaezallene were essential to its antifouling activity because the activities of nor-bromoallene and nor-bromodiene were significantly diminished. The bromoenyne was found to exhibit potent antifouling activities comparable to omaezallene with low toxicity and ecotoxicity. Preparation of bromoenyne framework is much easier than that of bromodiene moiety in omaezallene. Based on the antifouling activities of the bromoenynes, the synthesis of fluorescent probes and evaluation of their biological activities were also carried out.