PEX34, encoding a peroxisomal protein implicated in regulating peroxisome numbers, was identified as a high copy suppressor, capable of bypassing impaired acetate utilization of agc1∆ yeast. However, improved growth of agc1∆ yeast on acetate is not mediated through peroxisome proliferation. Instead, stress to the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria from PEX34 overexpression appears to contribute to enhanced acetate utilization of agc1∆ yeast. The citrate/2-oxoglutarate carrier Yhm2p is required for PEX34 stimulated growth of agc1∆ yeast on acetate medium, suggesting that the suppressor effect is mediated through increased activity of a redox shuttle involving mitochondrial citrate export. Metabolomic analysis also revealed redirection of acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) from synthetic reactions for amino acids in PEX34 overexpressing yeast. We propose a model in which increased formation of products from the glyoxylate shunt, together with enhanced utilization of acetyl-CoA, promotes the activity of an alternative mitochondrial redox shuttle, partially substituting for loss of yeast AGC1.