Based on the well-known Durbin method, an efficient numerical method was developed for the inversion of the two-sided Laplace transform. The accuracy of the method was verified using examples. As an application of the method, transient elastic waves propagating in a two-layered piezoelectric medium subjected to anti-plane concentrated loading and in-plane electric displacement loading were investigated. One-sided and two-sided Laplace transforms were applied to determine the shear stresses and electric displacements in the double Laplace transform domain. Subsequently, the Durbin method for one-sided Laplace transform inversion and the extended Durbin method for two-sided Laplace transform inversion were used to implement the numerical inversions. Additionally, the numerical results of the transient stresses and electric displacements were evaluated and discussed. It showed that the arrival time of transient waves satisfies physical phenomena, and the transient solution oscillates near the static solution and rapidly approximates the static solution.