The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015–2030) mandates stronger inclusion of persons with disability in DRR. Yet pathways to achieving new targets for disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction (DiDRR) and their feasibility remain unclear and are under-researched. To redress this gap, we undertake a three-step longitudinal assessment that: (i) examines the challenges the d/Deaf community, a cultural and linguistic minority with an invisible disability, in New South Wales, Australia face in accessing the support they need to effectively respond to risk; (ii) presents a range of community-driven resilience-building solutions that derived from the research; and most critically (iii) follows the implementation and outcomes of key resilience building solutions over a 6-year period and the impact these ‘system feedbacks’ may have on future initiatives. Our findings show that the d/Deaf community's vulnerability and resilience levels are influenced by insufficient levels of human capital in the d/Deaf community and emergency services, limited and uneven access to social capital (most notably information in accessible forms) and unsupportive governance structures that inhibit access to resources and inclusion in DRR processes that erodes trust. But the greatest inhibitors to building resilience over time are: (i) the absence of funds and clear directives to support long term sustainable change; and (ii) failures in understanding, engaging with and overcoming deeply embedded cultural divides that exist within the d/Deaf community and between the d/Deaf and hearing worlds.