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Introduction: Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is characterized by tumours of the parathyroid glands, neuroendocrine pancreatic tumour (PNET), and anterior pituitary. Studies suggest that MEN1 gen is not etiologically related to the oncogenesis of the papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Expression of menin is preserved in human normal thyroid tissue and THc. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) combined with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 is a rare association. Cushing Syndrome (CS) is another rare associated condition with MEN-1. In patients with MEN1, CS can result from pituitary, adrenal, or other endocrine tumours. In large series of MEN-1 CS has low frequency (0.5%) or not described. Clinical Case: A.M.F.A, 49 years, female. In 2007, cytological study of thyroid nodules resulted in PTC, underwent total thyroidectomy. Anatomopathological (AP) confirmed PTC. She was followed with an excellent response to therapy. In 2018, abdominal ultrasound due to epigastric pain showed pancreatic lesion. MRI confirmed lesion in the head and body of the pancreas of 8.2cm. She underwent total gastroduodenopacreatectomy (TGDP), AP showed a well-differentiated PNET (KI67: 2%). Before TGDP, tests for MEN-1 were collected: IGF-1 of 450 ng/ml (RV for age: 90-249 ng/ml); calcium: 1,46 nmol/l (RV: 1,12-1,40), PTH: 91,7 pg/ml (RV: 15-65), prolactin 13,3 ng/ml (RV: 5-23), gastrin 22pg/ml (RV 13-115), and late night salivary cortisol (LNSC): 8,3 nmol/l (RV T mutation in heterozygosity. O3 family members had the same mutation. To investigate hypercortisolism, it was made basal ACTH (56,1 pg/ml (VR 46 pg/ml), urine free cortisol (UFC) of 261,0 mcg/24h, 1mg DST of 15,2 mcg/dl (RV |