Meeting of the Electron-Microscopy-and-Analysis-Group of Institute-of-Physics (EMAG) as part of the Microscience and Microscopy Congress (MMC) -- JUL 03-06, 2017 -- Manchester, ENGLAND ZAN, RECEP/0000-0001-6739-4348 WOS: 000416370700027 Graphene is a single sheet of sp(2) bonded carbon having a two-dimensional (2D) layer. It has remarkable electronic, mechanical and thermal properties. In this paper, the graphene oxide (GO) was reduced by reducing chemicals such as ascorbic acid and hydrazine and then characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. TEM results of the chemically reduced graphene were showed that the structure consists of a mixture of single and few layers of reduced graphene oxide (rGO). Inst Phys, Elect Microscopy & Anal Grp, Royal Microscop Soc Kirikkale University under the BAP [2016/47] This research was supported by Kirikkale University under the BAP contact number 2016/47.