The Genes for Good study uses social media to engage a large, diverse participant pool in genetics research and education. Health historyand daily tracking surveys are administered through a Facebook application, and participants who complete a minimum number of sur-veys are mailed a saliva sample kit (‘‘spit kit’’) to collect DNA for genotyping. As of March 2019, we engaged>80,000 individuals, sentspit kits to>32,000 individuals who met minimum participation requirements, and collected>27,000 spit kits. Participants come fromall 50 states and include a diversity of ancestral backgrounds. Rates of important chronic health indicators are consistent with those esti-mated for the general U.S. population using more traditional study designs. However, our sample is younger and contains a greater per-centage of females than the general population. As one means of verifying data quality, we have replicated genome-wide associationstudies (GWASs) for exemplar traits, such as asthma, diabetes, body mass index (BMI), and pigmentation. The flexible framework ofthe web application makes it relatively simple to add new questionnaires and for other researchers to collaborate. We anticipate thatthe study sample will continue to grow and that future analyses may further capitalize on the strengths of the longitudinal data in com-bination with genetic information.