HUS Children and Adolescents, University of Helsinki, Children's Hospital, Clinicum, HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology, Hematologian yksikkö, TRIMM - Translational Immunology Research Program, Digital Precision Cancer Medicine (iCAN)
The association between cancer and autoimmune disease is unexplained, exemplified by T cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia (T-LGL) where gain-of-function (GOF) somatic STAT3 mutations correlate with co -exist-ing autoimmunity. To investigate whether these mutations are the cause or consequence of CD8+ T cell clonal expansions and autoimmunity, we analyzed patients and mice with germline STAT3 GOF mutations. STAT3 GOF mutations drove the accumulation of effector CD8+ T cell clones highly expressing NKG2D, the receptor for stress-induced MHC-class-I-related molecules. This subset also expressed genes for granzymes, perforin, interferon-y, and Ccl5/Rantes and required NKG2D and the IL-15/IL-2 receptor IL2RB for maximal accumula-tion. Leukocyte-restricted STAT3 GOF was sufficient and CD8+ T cells were essential for lethal pathology in mice. These results demonstrate that STAT3 GOF mutations cause effector CD8+ T cell oligoclonal accumu-lation and that these rogue cells contribute to autoimmune pathology, supporting the hypothesis that somatic mutations in leukemia/lymphoma driver genes contribute to autoimmune disease.