The overall objective of the study was to design an implantable delivery system based on glyceryl monostearate (GMS) for the site-specific delivery of antibiotics for the prevention of surgical wound infection. To design the implant, a release method had to be developed that simulate the in vivo implantation conditions to be able to predict the release characteristics from the implants when they are actually used in vivo. Also, identifying the release kinetics and mechanism and evaluating the factors that influence the release of drugs from the GMS-based matrix were necessary to allow further design of implants that could yield a desired release rate. The release of cefazolin was monitored from GMS matrixes implanted into agar gel, simulating subcutaneous tissues with respect to viscosity and water content. The gel method resulted in observation of spatial and temporal concentration profiles in the immediate vicinity of the implants, indicating the benefits of local drug delivery; however, there was no significant difference between the cumulative release profiles by the gel method or the vial release method. The release of cefazolin from the GMS-based matrix with the vial method followed Higuchi's square root of time kinetics. The release rate was found to be directly proportional to cefazolin load (A) and the surface area (SA) of the matrix as expressed by the following equation: = 0.24ASA. On the basis of this equation, one can design a variety of GMS matrixes that would result in a desired release rate or release duration. This also indicated that cefazolin release followed the release kinetics of a freely soluble drug from an insoluble matrix and hence it is a diffusion-controlled process. The effect of drug solubility on the release kinetics was determined by comparing the release kinetics of the poorly water soluble ciprofloxacin (0.16 mg/mL) to that of the highly water soluble cefazolin (325 mg/mL). The release duration of ciprofloxacin (80 h) was longer than that of cefazolin (25 h) from identical GMS matrixes. Although ciprofloxacin release was initially controlled by the matrix, agitation accelerated disintegration of the matrix and release due to its poor solubility, and ciprofloxacin release appeared to be a dissolution-controlled process following zero-order release kinetics.