Methods Patients: MO group: 48 patients (40 women and 8 men) diagnosed of MO with an age of 46.9± 7.9. Control group: 19 subjects without overweight and with normal analytical data and normal ultrasound scan of the liver. The following parameters were measured: A.Clinical data: Age, sex, weight, height, abdominal and hip perimeters, Body Mass Index (BMI), clinical history and pharmacological treatment, Metabolic Syndrome, morfometry and haematic chemistry, Insulin Resistance (HOMA) and viral markers. B Immunomodulators: (Leptin, Adiponectin, CK18Asp396 (CK18), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), aldosterone and rennin). C Histological analysis was performed after obtaining hepatic tissue during surgery for MO. The NAFLD Score was calculated: Steatosis Degree, Fibrosis, Inflammation, hepatocyte lesions and other injuries).