Background: Increasingly neurological complications of COVID-19 are identified, mostly in small series. Larger studies have been limited by both geography and specialty.Consequently, the breadth of complications is not represented. Comprehensive characterization of clinical syndromes is critical to rationally select and evaluate potential therapies.Methods: During the exponential pandemic phase, we developed coordinated online portals for rapid notification across the spectrum of major UK neuroscience bodies, representing neurology, stroke, psychiatry, and intensive care. Evidence of infection and clinical case definitions were applied prospectively. Cases were compared to overall Government Public Health COVID-19 reporting.Findings: Within three weeks, 153 cases were notified, both geographically and temporally representative of overall COVID-19 Public Health reports. Median (range) age was 71 (23-94) years. 77 (62%) had a cerebrovascular event: 57 (74%) ischemic strokes, nine (12%) intracerebral hemorrhages, and one CNS vasculitis.The second most common group were 39 (31%) who had altered mental status, including 16 (41%) with encephalopathy of whom seven (44%) had encephalitis. The remaining 23 (59%) had a psychiatric diagnosis of whom 21 (92%) were new diagnoses; including ten (43%) with psychosis, six (26%) neurocognitive (dementia-like) syndrome, and 4 (17%) an affective disorder. Cerebrovascular events predominated in older patients. Conversely, altered mental status, whilst present in all ages, had disproportionate representation in the young.Interpretation: This is the first nationwide, cross-specialty surveillance study of acute complications of COVID-19 in the nervous system. Alteration in mental status was common, reflecting encephalopathy/encephalitis and primary psychiatric diagnoses, often in young patients.These data provide valuable and timely information urgently needed by clinicians, researchers, and funders to inform immediate steps in COVID-19 neuroscience research and health policy throughout the areas of neurology and neuropsychiatry.