The second demonstration of the Marine Towed Array took place June 12-30, 2006 on Ostrich Bay (Puget Sound) in the state of Washington. This Bay is adjacent to the former NAD Puget Sound, which for 50 years operated as an ordnance manufacturing and storage facility to supply Naval vessels operating from the West Coast. MEC and munitions components were on-loaded and off-loaded between three piers and lighters (powered barges) as part of the NAD operations. The facility was decommissioned in 1959; subsequently 3 of the 4 piers have been removed. In the 1980s several thousand pounds of intact DMM were removed from the immediate vicinity of Pier II, which still remains standing. For the past 10 years DMM clean up operations have been ongoing, mostly on the land that originally composed the NAD. The NAD has subsequently been replaced with a high density Naval housing community and a hospital, the Naval Hospital-Bremerton. NAVFAC, working in cooperation with EPA, Region 10 is preparing to extend the cleanup activities into Ostrich Bay. In preparation for these activities, NAVFAC Northwest has constructed an ordnance Prove-Out-Site along the east side of the Bay in a 50 X 200 meter area to evaluate various survey technologies for use in characterizing ordnance contamination in the Bay. SAIC demonstrated the MTA during June 2006, first surveying the POS and presenting the analyzed data to NAVFAC for evaluation. Following this, the MTA was used to conduct a blanket survey of all regions of the Bay thought likely to contain DMM. Operations concentrated along the western shore where the 4 piers were located that originally served the NAD. The areas around the current Pier II were incompletely surveyed because of the very steep-walled dredge cuts that remain around the Pier.