We present VLBA observations of the spatial and velocity distributions of 22 GHz H2O and 1612 MHz OH masers in the OH/IR star W 43A. These masers have the same systemic velocity and are, therefore, likely to be associated with the common stellar object. However, the kinematical structures of them are quite different and independent. Most of the H2O masers are extremely collimated spatially and kinematically. The H2O maser jet also seems to be precessing. On the other hand, the OH masers exhibit clear arc-shaped structures indicating a spherically-expanding shell with weak collimation. The W 43A jet is very likely to be predominantly composed of hot molecules traced by H2O maser emission and formed in the immediate vicinity of an unknown star next to another OH/IR star. Such a “molecular jet” is likely to appear only during the short period before a star forms an elongated planetary nebula.