The aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo kinetics of microbubbles of SH U 508 A, in comparison with Indocyanine Green, a dye used as an indicator of blood flow. Microbubble kinetics were evaluated in various vessels (i.e., vena cava, aorta, renal artery, renal vein and portal vein) in rabbits after injection of SH U 508 A by measuring Doppler signals (n = 5). The kinetics of Indocyanine Green were evaluated by measuring absorbance using a photodiode (n = 5). Test substances (SH U 508 A 300 mg/mL and Indocyanine Green 1.25 mg/mL) were injected IV at a dose of 0.1 mL/kg B.W. Peak signal intensity was observed immediately after injection of SH U 508 A, followed by biphasic decay. The rates of biphasic decay were similar in all vessels. A second peak of the signal, which indicated recirculation of the microbubbles, was observed in the vena cava. The circulation and recirculation times of the microbubbles after injection of SH U 508 A were similar to that of Indocyanine Green. These findings suggest that the majority of SH U 508 A microbubbles circulate through the body similarly to blood flow, without retention, in the vasculature.