Biomass development, growth rate, tissue composition and habitat characteristics of macroalgal blooms were monitored in the eutrophic Veerse Meer (the Netherlands) in 1992 and in 1994 to determine seasonal and between-year variabilities and their relation with environmental factors. In both years, the blooms were dominated by Ulva species (more than 95% of total macroalgal biomass). In 1992, the maximum biomass was 602 g DW m(-2), in 1994 the maximum biomass was only 282 g DW m(-2). Growth rates (mu), measured in cages, were high at the beginning of May 1992, but quickly dropped to values between 0.05 and 0.10 day(-1). In 1994, high growth rates were observed for 1 week in early May only. Water nitrogen concentrations (DIN) and tissue nitro en levels in Ulva spp. were higher in 1994 than in 1992. No overall difference was found in irradiance between 1992. and 1994 at tile beginning of the growing season, bur irradiance levels were much higher in 1992. The results of a stepwise multiple regression analysis indicate that in 1992 the part of variation in growth rate that could be explained by regression was due to water DIN. In 1994, water phosphorus concentration and light were the variables explaining this part of the variation in growth rate. It is concluded that macroalgal biomass development in the Veerse Meer shows high variability, both within one season and between years. Although positive correlations were shown between tissue nitrogen levels and DIN, differences in DIN could not explain between-year variability. In a eutrophic lagoon, incident irradiance levels are probably more important in regulating maximum macroalgal yield than DIN. [KEYWORDS: light; nitrogen; growth; Ulva; eutrophic brackish lake; Netherlands Venice lagoon; macroalgal community; species composition; marine macroalga; sewage effluent; coastal lagoons; lactuca l; nitrogen; estuary; rigida]