The Leap Motion controller (LMC) offers a low-cost means of markerless hand tracking, however, its utility is limited by a small field of view and reliance on appropriate sensor positioning. A recent update from Leap Motion has enabled the use of a multiple LMC device on a single computer, allowing the tracking of hands from multiple orientations, potentially overcoming the aforementioned limitations. This study describes a method of implementing a multi-LMC setup and evaluates its effect on the validity and reliability of the derived kinematics. This study implemented a Kabsch algorithm and Kalman filter to re-orientate and fuse the trajectories captured by three LMC at different orientations. Reliability was assessed by comparing between-day differences in maximum joint angles (ΔMJA) and a calculated coefficient of multiple correlations (CMC). Validity was assessed by comparing the LMC to the gold standard, a Vicon markered motion capture (MMC) system, and calculating the ΔMJA and applying the linear fit method. The proposed method was evaluated by comparing the reliability and validity of the single-LMC setups to the multi-LMC setup. A multi-LMC setup proved successful in improving the reliability and validity of kinematic data, most notably where reliability and validity were poor and variation was high between the single-LMC setups. Findings suggest that through implementing the proposed method, limitations associated with single-LMC setups, notably its reliance on optimal sensor positioning, can be overcome.