Regarding the humane use of animals in scientific research, invertebrates are often recommended in toxicological studies. "Freshwater planarians" refers to numerous free-living freshwater members of the Class "Turbellaria" of the phylum Platyhelminthes. This group of invertebrates has received extensive attention from biologists for many years because of their unique biological characteristics, such as the primitive form of the central nervous system and notable capability to regenerate tissues. Using freshwater planarians as test animals in chemical toxicity studies has grown in popularity since the 1960s. Results from various toxicological experiments have collectively suggested that freshwater planarians can serve as not only alternative models for chemical toxicity screenings in laboratories but also as potential bioindicators for the quality of freshwater environments. However, thus far, no standardized battery of tests for conducting toxicological studies that includes freshwater planarians has been proposed. This paper comprehensively reviews the toxicological information obtained from chemically exposed planarians and proposes practical factors for consideration in toxicity experiments with freshwater planarians as test organisms.