Using the EGS4 Monte Carlo code, absorbed dose rate factors were estimated for four radionuclides of interest in radiation synovectomy, an intra-articular radiation therapy to treat rheumatoid arthritis. The treatment consists of the injection of a beta-emitting radionuclide into the joint capsule in order to eliminate diseased synovium through irradiation. The radionuclides investigated are 32P, 90Y, 165Dy, and 198Au. Calculations reveal the absorbed dose factor (cGy cm2/MBq s) as a function of distance (mm) in an EGS4 model of the rheumatic joint. The model incorporates bone, articular cartilage, joint capsule, and tissue (synovium) components found in all synovial joints, with dimensions in the model corresponding to dimensions typically found in larger joints, e.g., the knee, shoulder, or hip. Results are compared with previous, analytical approaches to beta dosimetry in radiation synovectomy. In addition, radiation backscatter due to the presence of bone is investigated and determined to have a negligible enhancement effect on absorbed dose to synovium.