American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 2023.
سنة النشر:
PDF file - 129K, Supplementary Table 1. Clinical characteristics of discovery cohort. Characteristics of 10 patients from experimental arm of ICON7 trial used in MS discovery experiment; Supplementary Table 2. Number of samples in each treatment arm at each time-point; Supplementary Table 3 Associations between the baseline concentrations (time-point 1) of the serum biomarkers under investigation and the clinical characteristics in the validation study in validation cohort II; Supplementary Table 4 Associations between the baseline concentrations (time-point 1) of the serum biomarkers under investigation and the clinical characteristics in the validation study in both validation cohorts (validation cohort I and validation cohort II); Supplementary Table 5. Estimates from Cox proportional hazards regression for biomarker index (signature negative index < 3 and positive index ≥3), trial arm (standard or experimental) and signature/trial arm interaction in each validation cohort; Supplementary Table 6. Estimates from Cox proportional hazards regression for individual elements of biomarker index (score=1 if marker concentration is on the side of the cut-point favouring bevacizumab in terms of PFS in the optimal model for that marker, or a score=0 otherwise), trial arm (standard or experimental) and index element/trial arm interaction; Supplementary Table 7. Estimates from Cox proportional hazards regression for all possible combinations of the elements of the biomarker index (score=1 if the sum of the combination of elements ≥optimal split, or a score=0 otherwise, where the optimal split is recalculated for each model combination), trial arm (standard or experimental) and model combination score/trial arm interaction; Supplementary Table 8. Estimates from Cox proportional hazards regression for individual elements of biomarker index treated as continuous, trial arm (standard or experimental) and index element/trial arm interaction