This article has been retracted: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal ( This retraction was suggested by the University of Cologne Investigation committee and seconded by the authors who the journal was able to contact (Wenz, T., Dillon, L., Diaz, F., Hida, A., and Moraes, C.T.). Following an investigation of the last author, Dr. Tina Wenz, by the University of Cologne, Germany, the university determined that data presented in this article have been inappropriately manipulated Specifically, western blot images in Figure 5F (tubulin in cortex), 2F (COXI in hippocampus) and 3B (Sod2 in hippocampus) were re-used from an earlier article published elsewhere [Increased muscle PGC-1alpha expression protects from sarcopenia and metabolic disease during aging" Wenz T, Rossi SG, Rotundo RL, Spiegelman BM, and Moraes CT. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009;106:20405-10, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0911570106] representing different experimental findings. Therefore, whether or not the main conclusions are still valid, the authors request retraction of this publication because the scientific integrity of the study was compromised. The authors sincerely apologize to the scientific community.