Significant metabolism alteration is accompanying the cell malignization process. Energy metabolism disturbance leads to the activation of de novo synthesis and beta-oxidation processes of lipids and fatty acids in a cancer cell, which becomes an indicator of pathological processes inside the cell. The majority of studies dealing with lipid metabolism alterations in glial tumors are performed using the cell lines in vitro or animal models. However, such conditions do not entirely represent the physiological conditions of cell growth or possible cells natural variability. This work presents the results of the data obtained by applying ambient mass spectrometry to human glioblastoma multiform tissues. By analyzing a relatively large cohort of primary and secondary glioblastoma samples, we identify the alterations in cells lipid composition, which accompanied the development of grade IV brain tumors. We demonstrate that primary glioblastomas, as well as ones developed from astrocytomas, are enriched with mono- and diunsaturated phosphatidylcholines (PC 26:1, 30:2, 32:1, 32:2, 34:1, 34:2). Simultaneously, the saturated and polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholines and phosphatidylethanolamines decrease. These alterations are obviously linked to the availability of the polyunsaturated fatty acids and activation of the de novo lipid synthesis and beta-oxidation pathways under the anaerobic conditions in the tumor core.Vypolnen analiz dannykh, poluchennykh pri pomoshchi priamogo mass-spektrometricheskogo profilirovaniia klinicheskikh obraztsov pervichnykh i vtorichnykh glioblastom cheloveka ex vivo, kotoryĭ pozvolil vydelit' izmeneniia v lipidnom sostave tkaneĭ, soprovozhdaiushchie razvitie glial'nykh opukholeĭ IV stepeni zlokachestvennosti (soglasno klassifikatsii VOZ). Pokazano, chto kak pervichnye, tak i vtorichnye (razvivshiesia iz astrotsitomy) opukholi obogashcheny mono- i di-nenasyshchennymi fosfatidilkholinami (PC 26:1, 30:2, 32:1, 32:2, 34:1, 34:2). Pri étom snizhaetsia soderzhanie nasyshchennykh i polinenasyshchennykh fosfatidilkholinov i fosfatidilétanolaminov. Éti izmeneniia sviazany kak s izmeneniem dostupnosti polinenasyshchennykh zhirnykh kislot, tak i s aktivizatsieĭ protsessov de novo sinteza i beta-okisleniia zhirnykh kislot v usloviiakh kislorodnogo golodaniia v tele opukholi.