Interest is increasing in the radiological consequences of a release of aerosol and gaseous iodine, especially after the Fukushima accident and also because of new interpretations of the results of recent severe accident experiments. This work provides a brief review of the history of iodine chemistry in containment and suggests an approach to include gaseous iodine, namely in the forms of elemental iodine and organic iodide, in consequence analyses using the MACCS code. As dry deposition is an important characteristic to distinguish each chemical form of iodine when performing a consequence analysis, the mechanisms and mathematical formulas expressing dry deposition are also investigated. The proposed approach is demonstrated by performing consequence analyses with a unit release of 131I, with the resulting trends of concentration and dose for the different chemical forms of iodine presented and discussed. For the same amount of iodine release, there is a higher surface deposition of elemental iodine (I2) because it has a higher dry deposition velocity, while the air concentration of a representative organic iodide (CH3I) is higher due to its lower dry deposition velocity, which means a lower depletion of the air concentration. Despite elemental iodine having a lower air concentration, its higher dose coefficients for the inhalation pathway compensates for this when calculating doses. Further, inhaled doses increase when considering resuspension inhalation for extended durations of exposure. The approach proposed in this study is expected to be used flexibly to perform consequence analyses incorporating both aerosol and gaseous forms of iodine.