Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate whether maternal and fetal circulating angiogenin levels in pregnancies with small-for-gestational- age (SGA) infants are different from those in pregnancies with appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) infants. Methods: Maternal and fetal circulating angiogenin concentrations were compared at birth between 16 pregnancies with SGA (7 delivered vaginally and 9 delivered by elective cesarean section) and 46 pregnancies with AGA (27 delivered vaginally and 19 delivered by cesarean section). Serum angiogenin level was measured with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: There were no significant differences in maternal and fetal serum angiogenin levels between the two groups. However, maternal serum angiogenin levels were significantly higher than those in fetal serum within both SGA and AGA infant pregnancies. There were no significant differences in maternal and fetal serum angiogenin levels between vaginal and cesarean delivered pregnancies in both SGA and AGA groups. Conclusion: These results suggest that there is no difference in angiogenin synthesis between SGA and AGA pregnancies.