Zinc selenium phosphate glasses added with the traces of Au2O3 were prepared and heat-treated. XRD, TEM, DSC, FT-IR and optical absorption (OA) spectroscopy methods were used for the structural assessment of these samples. Later, diferent dielectric parameters viz., dielectric constant (ε′), electric moduli (M), impedance (Z) and a.c. conductivity (σac) were measured over wide regions of frequency (ω) and temperature (T) as functions of Au2O3 concentration. Dielectric breakdown strength (DBS) of these samples was also measured at ambient conditions. The characterization studies indicated that multiple crystal grains were entrenched in the residual amorphous phase of the samples. The X-ray difraction studies revealed that the bulk glasses consisted of Au2(SeO3)3 crystal phase and Au0 metallic particles (MPs). As Au2O3 content was raised, the intensity of the XRD peak related to Au3+ crystal phase indicated a growing trend, whereas that of Au0 MPs showed a decreasing trend. The results of XPS studies revealed similar inferences. The FT-IR results pointed out an improved degree of augmentation of the glass network as the content of Au2O3 was increased. Optical absorption (OA) - spectra of the glasses indicated a broad absorption band in the spectral range of 500–600 nm due to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of Au0 MPs. The intensity of the band was observed to decrease as Au2O3 content was increased and indicated decreasing propor- tion of Au0 metallic particles in the samples. The dielectric parameters exhibited a decreasing trend, whereas the dielectric breakdown strength (DBS) and electrical impedance indicated a substantial hike due to the increasing concentration of Au2O3. Overall, the presence of Au2O3 caused a signifcant improvement in the insulating strength of the ZnO added SeO2- P2O5 glasses and hence such glasses may be considered as insulating layers in the display panel devices.