A recent study by Xu et al. (Nature,2021, 594, 535−540) provided strongevidence that cryptochrome 4 (Cry4) is a key protein to endow migratory birds with the magneticcompass sense. The investigation compared the magneticfield response of Cry4 from migratoryand nonmigratory bird species and suggested that a difference in magnetic sensitivity could exist.Thisfinding prompted an in-depth investigation into Cry4 protein differences on the structuraland dynamic levels. In the present study, the pigeon Cry4 (ClCry4) crystal structure was used toreconstruct the missing avian Cry4 protein structures via homology modeling for carefullyselected bird species. The reconstructed Cry4 structure from European robin, Eurasian blackcap,zebrafinch, chicken, and pigeon were subsequently simulated dynamically and analyzed. Thestudied avian Cry4 structures showflexibility in analogous regions pointing to similar activationmechanisms and/or signaling interaction partners. It can be concluded that the experimentallyrecorded difference in the magneticfield sensitivity of Cry4 from different birds is unlikely to bedue to solely intrinsic dynamics of the proteins but requires additional factors that have not yet been identified.