One-dimensional (1D) electronic transport and induced superconductivity in semiconductor nanostructures are crucial ingredients to realize topological superconductivity. Our approach for topological superconductivity employs a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed by an InAs quantum well, cleanly interfaced with an epitaxial superconductor (epi-Al). This epi-Al/InAs quantum well heterostructure is advantageous for fabricating large-scale nanostructures consisting of multiple Majorana zero modes. Here, we demonstrate transport studies of building-blocks using a high-quality epi-Al/InAs 2DEG heterostructure, which could be put together to realize various proposed 1D nanowire-based nanostructures and 2DEG-based networks that could host multiple Majorana zero modes. The studies include (1) gate-defined quasi-1D channels in the InAs 2DEG and (2) quantum point contacts for tunneling spectroscopy, as well as induced superconductivity in (3) a ballistic Al-InAs 2DEG-Al Josephson junction. From 1D transport, systematic evolution of conductance plateaus in half-integer conductance quanta is observed with Landé g-factor of 17, indicating the strong spin-orbit coupling and high quality of the InAs 2DEG. The improved 2DEG quality leads to ballistic Josephson junctions with enhanced characteristic parameters such as I